Junior scores modeling jobs
Junior Savanna Salazzar has been a model for a year and has appeared in print and commercial ads. Photo by Joanne Lee

December 15, 2017
Junior Savanna Salazar started her modeling career a little over a year ago and has done various photoshoots and commercials.
Salazar works with a modeling agency called Talent Unlimited and she models for photoshoots and commercials. Salazar became interested in modeling and got to start off her modeling career a little over a year ago.
“I always loved being in front of a camera, and we had a family friend that models, and she gave me her agent’s number,” Salazar said.
After getting in contact with the agency, she also began her modeling career. Through Salazar’s current agency, she gets introduced to new photoshoot jobs.
“My agent emails me about a job and I go out and audition for it,” Salazar said.
When deciding to pick up a job, Salazar usually checks the earnings and her schedule to see if she is able to take off school that day because the shoots are during the day. Salazar has done a total of six modeling jobs so far in her career. She has modeled for AMC, Sprint, Gatorade, a local boutique, Payless commercial, and Payless print.
Her first modeling experience was shooting with Sprint and was a whole new experience for her.
“It was not what you would expect; there was just a bunch of high schoolers who like to be in front of a camera. Everything was just super normal,” Salazar said.
Although, Salazar just started off she doesn’t get that nervous for the photoshoots.
“I don’t really get that nervous because it’s something that I enjoy, but I do get some butterflies when I’m getting ready,” Salazar said.
Salazar has been in various types of modeling jobs, including commercials and prints. While there is still freedom with doing what you want, usually the director already has an image in mind.
Salazar’s favorite types of photoshoots are the shoots where she can experiment and do things she wants in front of the camera with little instructions.
She loved being in front of the camera and started to take up modeling and doesn’t plan on stopping. Salazar wants to continue to pursue modeling in the future. She plans on to continue until she stops getting jobs.
Salazar’s favorite part about modeling is the overall experience while being at photoshoots.
“I love being able to be photographed, and they always cater a lot of food, which is nice,” Salazar said.